Entrepreneurship is all about deferred gratification.

Entrepreneurship is all about deferred gratification.

John Murphy

Founder, Hello World

What’s your current position & how did you reach here?

John Murphy - CEO of Hello World. Hello World was just an idea which I pitched at the World Convention in 2017. I won the first prize which motivated me to execute my plan. Today I have impacted more than 1 million developers through my startup.

What will success look like for you in your work in the next few weeks?

John Murphy - In next few weeks, Hello World would be crossing the mark of 60m+ User base.

Which social media platform is working best for your brand at the moment? Why do you think that is?

John Murphy - I haven't used social media for my product at all. But now I want to start seeing the benefits.

What have you found to be the most effective marketing tactic/platform, beyond social media?

John Murphy - Word of mouth has been the best for me, no social media platform can come close to word of mouth.

What are you actively focused on learning about these days and how?

John Murphy - Currently I am learning about Instagram as a tool for my business. Let's see where it goes.

What is your biggest goal or obstacle?

John Murphy - Reaching out to masses has always been a problem.

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