Which social media platform is working best for your brand at the moment? Why do you think that is?
I haven't used social media for my product at all. But now I want to start seeing the benefits.
Answered by John Murphy
Founder, Hello World
We use everything - Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube. Influencer Marketing has been the best for our brand.
Answered by Jean Jollet
Director, Jean & John Tshirts
LinkedIn works best to build contacts with other like minded individuals, and Facebook works best for paid advertising.
Answered by Cassie McCoy
Entrepreneur, Dreamer, Developer
Each of my companies have different channels where their social works best, but without a doubt for most of my startups it’s Instagram. Other channels that do well is Pinterest and LinkedIn.
Answered by Octavia Blake
Serial Entrepreneur
Facebook has always worked for me. It is the fastest, oldest and easiest platform.
Answered by Eric Jackson
Founder of World Economic Forum
Instagram works really well because all our clients and models are on Instagram. But it usually depends on the type of project we are working on and the goal we want to achieve.
Answered by Clarke Griffin
Founder - Clarke Models Inc
Instagram works really well because all our clients are on Instagram.
Answered by Marcus Kane
Founder & CEO - Arc Software